Friday, January 23, 2009

In the beginning, there were the eyebrows

My friend said I should start a blog.

I marinated on it.

My mom, when learning about what blogs were, wondered how people can be so self-centered to blather on about their lives. I decided that someone needed to write about her eyebrows.

Mrs. O's eyebrows. The ones straight out of a caricature on the walls of Sardi's and made me think of Snidley Whiplash's moustache.

But I've read that Mrs. O's Chicago-based make-up artist liked the high, fly-ball to the left field brows, but people had been they needed to come down a bit and she was working on that. Based on I-Day pictures, they are starting a downward trend...maybe.

I found this site today:
It follows what and who Mrs. O is wearing. It might be fun.

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