Thursday, April 1, 2010

V Is For Vitriol

We need a little of this in our water supply.  Some of you have heard me say this when people in my orbit or people that I read about go a little bonkers about an issue.

Unfortunately, the joke's on me because there are drugs in our water supply - just not enough of the right kind to keep us more thoughtful in our discourse.

I am deeply saddened and disgusted that citizens of this planet were spitting on men who risked their lives for the civil rights movement, or are openly gay and serve in the legislature.   I am disgusted by the behavior of these elected officials:

And I couldn't agree more with Maureen Dowd's assessment of Joe Wilson's hateful outburst of "You lie!" (boy) toward President Obama.  A white president would NEVER have had any legislator yell at him.  NEVER.

What the hell is wrong with these people?
Why are they so scared that they use rage to cover their fear?

Why do people scream and shout at libraries and schools to ban books that the screamers have NEVER READ?

Maybe medical marijuana is the answer.

I'm calling the Governator right now.

I'll be back.**

PS.  You know what (you ignorant cowards)?  YOU LIE!

**Extra bonus comment points for knowing that pop culture reference.  I'll even let you scream at me about any issue you're uninformed about.


  1. The pop culture reference is stressing me out- what are we talking about here?

  2. Wait, I just commented as my mom?! If only she could learn to log out.....

  3. Linda -

    "I'll be back." is from The Terminator, starring California's current governator
