Friday, April 15, 2011

What Happens If You Are Both The Turtle And The Hare?

If you look at my archives you will see that I went dark for a number of months.  I was very busy negotiating our local teacher's union contract and producing a big fashion show for one of my clients.  I wasn't inspired to write here, but even more puzzling, I was not interested in reading any of the blogs that I normally follow.  I was having trouble focusing on another business idea that I had.  Other than emailing and/or researching things on the internet, I wasn't even really online.

So I seriously began to wonder, because I am of a certain age, if I was starting to become more luddite and less Steve Jobs-like.    Would my tiny bit of Twittering and blogging really keep me plugged into social media, from a job hunting perspective?  Would my use of a 2nd generation smartphone hold me back in a significant way? Because Heather, the Queen of all Working Mother Bloggers was twittering and blogging from any Foursquared location she liked.

Oh, I haven't dropped the big one on you.

I am one of the 2 people on the planet, above the age of 13, that isn't gaga over Facebook.

In fact, one of the most popular phrases in my lexicon, is "F*ck Facebook!"

But....I couldn't help wonder if FB was fcking me (over) as it, and Twitter, are the Google and Amazon of this era of the Internet.  And, if I wasn't the doyenne of social media, who would hire me?  Heather has the social media world by the tail.  Why was I so much like Tippy when I'm usually the Roadrunner?

I was vexed.  Very vexed.

But then things turned around.  The contract was settled. The Guru is making progress.

And you are reading this now.

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